Courtroom-The Law Society of CLS, giBS






About the Society

The Law Society provides students with a more accurate depiction of the legal industry. Whether through mentoring programmes, mooting, negotiation exercises or interview workshops, members get the chance to develop soft skills to boost their employability.

Aim of the Society

The COURT ROOM: The Legal Society of GIBS is constituted for conducting and regulating the Moot Court, Debate, Youth Parliament and other activities in GIBS as per the Academic Calendar 2020-2021 of GIBS as well as to send representation on behalf of CLS GIBS in the External Events.

Objectives of the Society

To train the students for various national and international competitions like Moot Courts, Debates, Youth Parliament etc. and also to represent the CLS-GIBS outside the college in various events and regulate the moot court, Debate ,Youth Parliament and other activities hosted by CLS-GIBS.

To promote opportunities for students to participate in all internal and external events and competitions and develop their skills in the field of Law which will further help them to groom themselves.

Code of Conduct for Scoeity Members

  1. All members shall work under the guidance of a group leader nominated by the Faculty Coordinators.
  2. They shall make themselves worthy of the confidence and cooperation of the group/community leadership.
  3. They shall scrupulously avoid entering into any controversial issues.
  4. They shall keep day-to-day record of their activities/experience
  5. Students can be removed from the society if they do not attend majority of practices/events, if there are going against any of the values we have as a society, and if they are disruptive to the group.

Glimpse of Event