Placement Guidelines
The role of T&P (Training & Placement) Cell is a facilitator for placement related activities. T&P does not guarantee a job.
The Placement facility is available to all the students registered with T&P Cell through the policy ONE JOB TO ONE STUDENT AT THE FIRST INSTANCE. This will ensure that every student will get equal job opportunities and only few students do not consume up all the jobs.
It is the student’s responsibility to see the Placement notice and submit his/her resume to TPO as per the deadline specified in the notice. No resume will be accepted after the deadline specified in the notice.
Students will be informed about any campus drive through emails & their CCs will also be marked.
A. Eligibility & Registration
1. Students should register their names by submitting Students’ Resume, Data Sheet as per the prescribed format given by Department of Placement Cell. Only those students who have registered are eligible to participate in the placement activities.
2. Students not interested in placement are advised to choose ‘Placement Not Required’ option in Student Registration form. Filling up of form is mandatory for all.
3. Students will be allowed to have a single job offer only. However, already placed Students may also be allowed to appear for “Dream JOB” only after all students are successfully placed once. Once a student bags a job offer from a dream Company, will not be allowed to participate in any campus recruitment process at all.
4. Students are eligible to apply first 5 companies of their choice. If the student fails to get selected in the same, he/she undergoes a mandatory week long Placements Training Session. After completion of training, the student can apply in next 5 Companies. If the student again fails to grab offer further two-weeks training will be scheduled and then last 3 companies will be shared with the student (No choice will be given).
5. Total 13 Companies will be shared to each student. In case any student still remains unplaced after appearing for 13 companies offered by IIPC, further opportunities will be given only after other students are successfully placed.
6. Students attending campus interviews should adhere to the following instructions:
- Registration is mandatory to each choice of company under deadline, failure to which student will not be able to apply further.
- Resume should be formatted and approved by Training Coordinators; Photograph will be in Formal dress code with decent Background.
- All students must be in formal uniform and keep their identity card with them at the time of placement drive.
- At the Time of Online interviews no students will appear in casual dresses. Strictly formal dress code to be followed in online interviews. If found so will be debarred immediately.
7. Student will be blacklisted if he /she will: –
- The candidate submits his/her willingness to participate in any on-campus or off-campus placement recruitment drive and thereby fails to present himself/herself on the day of the placement talk (PPT).
- Any kind of misbehaviour/complaints are reported by the company officials/T&P team Staff regarding the candidate.
- Any student against whom show cause notice/warning letter have been issued by faculties or any college official will not be allowed to appear in campus Recruitment.
B. Attendance & Punctuality
1. A student who applies and gets shortlisted is bound to go through the entire selection process unless rejected midway by the company. Any student who withdraws deliberately in the middle of a selection process will be debarred from placement process.
2. Late comers may not be allowed to appear for the selection process.
C. Discipline
Students should maintain discipline and show ethical behavior in every action they take during the placement process. Any student found violating the discipline rules set by the company or defaming the College name will be debarred from the placements process.
D. Job Offers
1. Selected participants need to submit a copy of their offer letter to Placement department to obtain NOC for joining.
2. After accepting a job offer, if any student decides to withdraw his/her acceptance any time during the year, he/she must inform the company concerned through the TPO immediately.
3. If a student is offered a second job, he/she must give a letter of regret to the company, which offered the first job and a letter of acceptance to the second.
4. Post Placement, if for any reasons any company will stop joining of candidates so GIBS is not responsible for that.
5. Students will be debarred /blacklisted from the placement if:
- Any student is found involved in any in disciplinary activity or engaged in malpractices practices.
- Students giving wrong data/information to Training and Placement Coordinators.
- Furnishing false data in resume.
- Any kind of misbehavior/complaints reported by the company officials/faculty/staff/volunteers.
6. Students cannot drop out from selection process once he/she has been shortlisted. A disciplinary action will be taken against defaulter student/s.
For all matters not covered by the above regulations, the Placement Office will use its discretion to take appropriate decisions. The decision taken by this office shall be binding on all students.