Anusandhan The Research Repository of GIBS

A Peer-Reviewed Refereed Yearly Journal of Multi-Disciplinary subjects

About Journal

Anusandhan The Research Repository of GIBS is a peer reviewed research journal published annually with the underlying principle that research competencies of faculty members and students should be built to create Intellectual Capital. Faculty members guide students in their project dissertation and jointly with the student convert at least one project dissertation into a research paper every year which is published in the Journal.

The journal would carry empirical research based studies as well as popular articles on management, business & economic scenario, law etc. It proposes to cover diverse areas of management viz. marketing, production, finance, human resource management, operations research, materials management, management of change organization culture, organization development, knowledge management, time management, stress management and so on. It also proposes to cover business and economic affairs, pertaining to industry, commerce, international trade, services, foreign direct investment, foreign portfolio investment, business processes outsourcing, world trade organization (WTO), GATT, GATS, TRIPS, TRIMS, WIPO & Regional Trade Agreements etc. Further, It also proposes to cover diverse areas of law viz. criminal law, family law, constitution, jurisprudence, IPR, ADR, administrative law, industrial law, labour law, international law etc.

Title Anusandhan The Research Repository of GIBS
Frequency Annual
ISSN (Print) 2581-9968 (Print) 
Publisher Shri Ram Niwas Jindal, Gitarattan International Business School, Delhi
Editor-In-Chief  Prof (Dr) Vikas Nath
Copyright Gitarattan International Business School, Delhi
Starting Year 2018
Subject Multi-Disciplinary Subjects
Language English
Publication Format Print and Online
Phone No. +91-11-27555607/08
E-mail Id. [email protected]
Mobile No. 9311267555
Address PSP-2A& 2B, Complex-II, Madhuban Chowk, Rohini,Delhi-110085, India.