Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy
Year 2018, Volume-10, Issue-1 (January to December)
Print ISSN : 0976-4925

Table of Content
Implications of the privacy conduct with reference to social media sites
Sanjeev Bansal, Ravneet Singh Bhandari
An empirical study on financial inclusion and financial literacy (A study of rural areas of Moradabad District)
Rakesh Kumar Yadav, Ashish Kumar Saxena
A study of changing landscape of newer monetization models for epublishers in India and UK
Vijesh Jain
Micro finance and its impact on women empowerment: An empirical study
Neeta Majumder, Soumendu Bhattacharya
Factors affecting students perceptions towards e-recruitment: A study of Naukri.com
Anita Venaik, Smrita Sinha
A comparative analysis of poverty of Indian minorities with respect to the majority.
Masroor Ahmad Beg
Augmenting Maslow’s need hierarchy theory with multigenerational workforce in manufacturing sector.
Preeti Malhotra Verma, Kim Menezes
Emerging trends in the Structure of Urbanization in India
Aman Singh
A study on the impact of mobile cash in a borderless world.
Seema Thakur
Effect of Marketing Channel on perishable goods.
Gautam Srivastava
Significance of information and Mass Media in Corporate Business.
Subir Sinha
Vocational Training and financial literacy: Blending digitization process of self help groups in India.
Smita Tejwani
Study of the reaction and unusual behavior of stock market based on financial models quantitative testing.
Bhavesh Mishra, Ajit Srivastava